Chickens Or Store-Bought Eggs: Which Are Better?

This is a question many people ask themselves: Should I buy chickens or keep buying store bought eggs? Chickens are popular homestead and farm animals. This is usually because they lay eggs and are fairly easy to take care of. Eggs are a popular food and many people have found that it’s cheaper to buy…

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The Ultimate Guide To Low Cost Gardening

Part of the appeal of growing a vegetable garden is the savings. It’s almost always lower cost to grow food yourself than it is to buy it from the store. This price difference is especially noticeable if you grow organically. In this post, we will discuss how to reduce your cost even more through different…

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Alternative Gardening: How To Be A Weird Gardener

Convectional gardening techniques are conventional for a reason. They usually produce results while still being pretty and low profile. But, consider this: What if weird worked better? What if a weird or unconventional way of doing things yielded better results? Let’s discuss how to be a weird gardener by using alternative gardening techniques. I use…

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Time On The Farm: Valuing Your Time

How much do you value your time? This is a question you should be asking yourself in almost every aspect of your life. This post focuses on the value of your time spent on the farm. Your time is valuable. Likely, more valuable than you realize. Time spent on the farm is inevitable. The question…

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Black Solider Flies: Why Should You Have Them?

Black solider flies have a special place in my heart. They have several uses. I’ve talked about them on the blog before. In this post, I’ll go over why I think black solider flies are an incredible investment. I use black solider flies on my farm. Their main function is to feed my chickens. This…

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4 Ways To Create A Low Cost Garden

You can have a low cost garden pretty easily. In addition to being less expensive monetarily, it should also limit the time you have to spend in your garden. Below is a list of four things you can do to keep your cost down. 1. Keep Your Garden Low Cost Upfront If you are building…

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USDA Organic Vs. Beyond Organic

What is the difference between USDA Organic and Beyond Organic? Should you get certified by the USDA? Let’s start with the definition of each of these terms. The definition of the word “organic” is determined and regulated by the USDA. According to the website, organic products are managed according to defined processes for planting,…

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Growing Food In Your Yard: Is It legal In The USA?

Is growing food in your yard legal? Depending on how you grow it an what you do with it, it might be. Growing food for your own consumption in your backyard is legal in every state. Growing food in your front yard may have some regulations depending on where you live. An HOA may have…

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How To Start A Backyard Vegetable Garden

Backyard vegetable gardens have become more popular since the pandemic. Supply shortages and quarantines have made some of us realize that our current system for food will not always be reliable. We need a back up plan in case things go south. This article is for those who want to give their backyard vegetable garden…

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Easiest Veggies To Grow In Your Backyard

For the cautious vegetable garden newbie and the busy professional looking to plant some low maintenance veggies, resilient and easy to care for veggies will be your best friend. The easiest vegetables to grow are hardy and adaptable vegetables. Hardy, adaptable vegetables will acclimate to your weather, watering schedule, light conditions, etc. Temperamental/tender plants will…

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